Have faith in Faythe
Time management is one of the biggest tasks that students struggle with in college. After moving away from home and finally living life on your own, it can be hard to get into a routine and get your priorities straight. Oftentimes, I found myself pushing school aside and focusing on spending time with my friends, letting my grades slip and my memories grow.
I get it, you’re only in college once, and those memories are important, but don’t forget the real reason you’re here: to get a degree. If you go about your time properly, you can still maintain grades and make those life-long memories and friendships.
The most beneficial skill I learned during my freshman year of college was to visually plan out your schedule. I use Google Calendar to color-code my classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and personal plans. My roommate uses an agenda and color codes her assignments week by week. There are many organization methods, but as long as your method makes sense to you, then do what works best for you and your organization.
Another huge aspect effecting time management is distractions. Distractions nowadays are found everywhere, the biggest one being your phone. I always try to put my phone in a different room or turn it on Do Not Disturb to avoid the temptation of looking at it constantly. It also helps me maintain my focus; once I am in the mindset of getting things done, I find it harder to fall into distractions.
Having a set routine plays a huge role in time management. If your schedule follows a close routine, it’s much easier to stick to that same routine and get your homework done. People who don’t get up at the same time, have a sporadic daily schedule and no set routine are more likely to forget tasks and assignments that need done.
The most important role in managing your time properly is not waiting until the last minute to do everything. Work on homework for a few hours each day, and then call it quits and enjoy your social life. If you do a little bit each day, you will find yourself having more time to relax and enjoy what college is all about — making friends and making memories.
It took me a while to figure out what worked best for my schedule, but once you get to know yourself a bit better, you are able to take control of your schedule and ensure everything is completed on time. And you’ll still saving time to live your life and experience college to its fullest.