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The art of connection

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Communication Instructor Terry Rogers and his wife Cindy stopped for a photo while out on an adventure together. The couple will celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary this year.

By Nina Bivens

Picture a stage in a theater where one side of the stage belongs to the music department and the other the theater department. Such a place exists at a community college in Scottsbluff, Neb. 

Almost 28 years ago, two individuals worked together on opposite ends of the stage, but they never met for five years. It wasn’t until Terry Rogers, the coach for the theater program at the time, reached out to Cindy, a piano instructor. He wanted her help with the upcoming school play, specifically to take the role as a rehearsal pianist with ridiculous hours and a paycheck of only $200. 

Wanting to provide for her family and take on a new adventure, Cindy said yes, igniting one of the most successful love stories to grace Casper, Wyo. 

Loving husband and Casper College Communication Instructor Terry Rogers grew up in an environment where there wasn’t a lot of money, but his needs were met and he was highly involved. 

However, Cindy Rogers, private piano instructor and loving wife grew up as an only child with parents that loved each other unconditionally, setting a great foundation for what a marriage or relationship should look like. 

Both Terry and Cindy were previously divorced. Fortunately, the splits created an opportunity for Terry and Cindy to cross paths. 

Cindy said, “We both remember what the first marriage was like. We both had a very hard first marriage, so we both know how bad it can be. So we both really think of each other first. Love is more than a feeling — it’s a commitment.” 

One of the most unique qualities about Terry and Cindy’s relationship is how they inspire each other. 

“In some ways, we are very much alike, and in some ways we are very different,” Terry said. “I’m inspired by her ability to trust in her heart and always, always see the best in people. I wish I could be like that.” 

Because of their experiences, Terry and Cindy came together and created a solid footing. Cindy spoke to Terry’s strengths. 

“He (Terry) is so steady and calm,” she said. “He is the steady line of the relationship — that’s how my mom and dad were too. He makes this place so safe for us and for me.” 

This shared inspiration has allowed the couple to be together for almost 28 years with their anniversary coming up this month. 

Terry shared what advice he would give to others wanting to have a stronger relationship like his with Cindy. 

“Being open, honest and transparent gives us the ability to have real conversations. It’s like a positive cycle that keeps feeding in on itself,” Terry said. 

Cindy shared the same sentiment. 

“There is an openness towards one another — trust, a willingness to be kind to one another regardless of what we feel in the moment,” Cindy said. “There is a commitment not to be rude or disrespectful. We agree that certain behaviors aren’t okay because we have respect for one another.” 

Terry explained that there is a space between two people when they hug each other, and it is called the inside space. 

Terry said that “We talk about keeping inside on the inside and the outside on the outside, and the outside always wants to get on the inside and that pushes you apart.” 

Overall, both Terry and Cindy believe that focusing on their relationship and keeping other factors out of it is the center of creating a healthy environment in a relationship that can last a lifetime. In the end, this relationship works because of the effort to have trust, honesty, and communication between them. 

As Cindy puts it, “It’s a sacred thing to us. It’s a relationship like no other.” 

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