Student Senate plans to improve campus activity, safety, and student life with multiple projects

By Rebecca Schilt

The Casper College Student Senate revealed its in-progress plans to improve student life on campus this academic year. Talks of new parking areas, grab-and-go snack shacks, and much more are circulating the groups meetings. 

CC’s Student Senate kept busy this first month of school, brainstorming ideas to make student life better and more enjoyable for those on campus. Kristina Pham, Student Senate faculty advisor and psychology instructor, spoke of student senate’s plans and recent progress towards looking into more parking areas and security cameras outside the residence hall and around campus.   

 “We just got back pricing for the cameras, and it is going to be pretty expensive,” Pham said. “We need to meet with I.T. and facilities to see how possible it is.”   

Students and campus security brought up how parking situations on campus are sub-par, and many believe that adding cameras would make our campus a much safer environment. Student Senate chewed on this subject for a time and is excited to see their plans in motion, however long it may take.   

“I think cameras and parking could get approved this year,” said Pham. “The issue lies with getting them installed this year as well.”  

While Pham is excited to see movement on this matter, she is hesitant to say how long it will truly take to see change.   

Taylee Siemens, CC sophomore and student senate president is focusing on more small-scale improvements. While discussing plans for changes around campus, she listed three main items.  

“One of the things the Student Senate is trying to do is increase voter registration,” said Siemens, “We have also discussed scooters on campus, as well as grab-and-go snack shacks.”  

Siemens spoke of the organization’s wanting to get students involved in politics more civilly and positively. Student senate is working on setting up voter registration tables this upcoming voting season and next semester.   

On top of voter registration tables, Siemens discussed ideas of snack shacks in the library, residence hall, and theatre building to allow students who don’t have time to stop at the dining hall or food pantry a chance to grab a quick bite.   

Siemens said, “We want to make sure the students are being well fed, and this is another way to do that and keep them happy.”  

Plans for the snack shack are not yet in motion, but Siemens hoped to bring up the topic at their most recent meeting.  

While the first two items may take longer to see progress, Siemens alluded to rumors of allowing electric scooters on campus, touching upon sports teams requesting scooters on campus as a better and faster way to get to class.   

“The issue here is there isn’t a policy against scooters. We have them for roller skating, blades, skateboards, and bikes, but not scooters,” said Siemens. “Right now, we are drafting one that we hope to bring to Dr. Devine and have approved.”  

According to Siemens, student senate and faculty are aware of how widespread the campus is, and arriving to class on time is an issue for students. The Student Senate is working tirelessly to make this possible for students and are looking forward to seeing results.   

While progress will take time, student senate is working on quite a lineup of changes and improvements at CC.

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