New building brings new life to art program at CC

By Lane Johnson

Casper College opened a new visual art building in the fall of 2022 that allows students in the arts program to thrive in a new environment. The program offers five unique majors and each is tailored to student’s personal interests. 

The majors include: graphic design, photography, fine art, art education and museum/gallery studies. Students may also take a general art major and dabble in bits and pieces of each specific art major. Art Department Academic Chair Justin Hayward explained that six faculty members work full time to teach the program. He talked about how each major is geared towards moving students into their desired job field. CC acts as a gateway to a larger institution, and the art program wants to prepare students for the next step according to Hayward 

Hayward said he believes that “four year institutions will help guide [students]” to understand what job they wish to pursue after college. He also talked about how each individual is different, and it is not out of the ordinary to find success after only two years at CC. Hayward showed excitement for the new art building.

“The best thing about the new building is the space,” Hayward said.

Students are given more freedom to explore interests because of the new space and Hayward talked about how student enjoyment has increased. Hayward said that enrollment into the program increased since the new building opened. 

Sophomore art student Grant Hoffard agreed that the new building makes a difference. 

“Oh, one hundred percent,” he said when asked if the new building makes the art program more appealing to students. 

Hoffard said he feels comfortable with the access to equipment and technology available, largely due to the new building. Hoffard plans to work in digital design and wants to make sports graphics for a division one school. He stated that CC helped to “broaden his art knowledge” and, he believes he can pursue his dreams easier. Hoffard gave credit to instructor Cythia Harrison for helping him throughout his college career. 

Hoffard said, “She has a long history with working in graphic design.” 

According to Hoffard, Harrison helped him know what type of career he wants to pursue. The art program at CC saw major improvements with the addition of the new art building. The building gives access to the new technology, and the space brings joy and excitement to the students who utilize it.

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