Don’t give up, keep pushing

Bernadette Pieper
Blurbs with Bernadette

As spring break ended a few weeks ago and spring weather is starting to make its way to Casper, I feel the itch to avoid doing my homework or not wanting to go to classes. I’m definitely feeling that spring fever. But I know there are less than eight weeks left until this spring semester is done and this semester will be over before we know it. It is crazy how fast this semester went. 

I know I’m not the only student who feels like this — after talking with some classmates and friends who are feeling the same way, I know we just have to keep pushing and not give up. I need to stay on top of my homework, go to class, and go to the extracurricular activities that I am involved in. They say that the second half of the semester is harder and more work is done, and I don’t disagree with that. Teachers are adding more assignments, tests, and quizzes, the material is getting harder, and classes are diving in with deeper information, but students just do not want to do it. Spring fever is strong.  

Malcolm X once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” 

The quote by Malcolm X helps to keep me going and not give up. It does have a good message that the education that we gain today will help us in the future. We have to keep taking one day at a time and one class at a time. We cannot be stressing ourselves out and overwhelming ourselves because it is not going to help us to succeed and get anything done for our classes or for our personal lives. 

Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” 

This quote by Mandela is true — we are itching for the semester to be over and want to have a summer break. We are thinking that it is going to be impossible to get to that day at the end of the semester, but it will be here before we know it. 

If you are struggling with any class, assignment, or learning some material, don’t be afraid to ask questions in class or set up a time to go get help from your teacher. If you are afraid to talk with your teacher, there are resources to help out on campus like the STEM lab, Writing Center, tutoring in the dorms, and the library. The nice thing is that they want to help students clarify course concepts,  provide an extra set of eyes on a paper, or help students understand the information better. 

Keep pushing through because there are less than two months left of this semester and summer will be here. Don’t give up in your classes. If you are in need of help, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” Nora Roberts.

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