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Divine’s Intervention:

As we wind down the fall semester and rush head-long into the holiday season, I want to discuss two important and related topics: life balance and emotional health. Balancing the ever-changing demands of everyday life is challenging enough, but such balance can be even more precarious during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. As such, I ask you to take extra care over the winter break and embrace the holiday season, spend time with your friends and family, and engage in any activity that brings you peace and happiness. It is all too easy to become fixated on a single aspect of our lives, and thus unintentionally neglect other, equally important, aspects. So please, over the holidays, be sure to keep things in balance, and don’t neglect any one aspect of your life, especially your personal space and time alone. 

Along that same thought process, you likely know the holidays can be especially challenging for those who struggle with increased anxiety or depression brought about by the seasonal focus on happiness, family, finances, et Whether this scenario describes you personally, or you have a friend or loved one who faces with some of these challenges, please take extra care to watch for signs of emotional distress both in yourself and in those around you. There are many resources at the College, the county, and the state to help anyone having a tough time. 

Also know you can reach out anytime to any member of our staff and we will put you in touch with trained professionals who can help you or a loved one sort things out and get back to a healthier and happier emotional state.

Best wishes for a peaceful and wonderful holiday season… 

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