Don’t give up, keep pushing

As spring break ended a few weeks ago and spring weather is starting to make its way to Casper, I feel the itch to avoid doing my homework or not wanting to go to classes. I’m definitely feeling that spring fever. But I know there are less than eight weeks left until this spring semester […]

April 1: Divine’s Intervention:April 1:

Study after study has shown in most aspects of life, balance is the key to a healthy and sustainable equilibrium. —  Dr. Darren Divine, Ph.D., Casper College President Using the calendar as our guide, Spring has arrived!  While the term “Spring” in Wyoming may have a somewhat different flavor than in other places around the […]

Literally, just talk to people

Lairen Brush Brushing Out the Details I would like to preface this by saying, I am not a social person. Especially not with making the first move or impression on a new person. This is not a matter of being introverted or extroverted, I just tend to watch people, before even attempting to talk to […]

March 1: Divine’s Intervention

Dr. Darren Divine, Ph.D., Casper College President As I was thinking about what to write for this edition, I looked back over previous submissions, and came across this topic from last year.  As I sat and thought about it, I realized it is as important, if not more so, than before.  So, with that idea […]

The perfect spot for lunch

by: Lane Johnson Johnson’s Journal Imagine you wake up late for school and don’t have a chance to make yourself lunch. You have a 45-minute break between classes in the afternoon and don’t have a meal plan at the College. You could always just grab lunch from one of the fast-food restaurants in town. But […]

A lit conference that didn’t put me to sleep

Casper College held its 37th annual literary conference earlier this month, specifically from November 7th – through the 9th. The chosen theme for this year was the “wilderness.” Given the title of this column, it would be reasonable to surmise that I only attended out of scholastic obligation, and you would be correct in that […]

Divine’s Intervention:

As we wind down the fall semester and rush head-long into the holiday season, I want to discuss two important and related topics: life balance and emotional health. Balancing the ever-changing demands of everyday life is challenging enough, but such balance can be even more precarious during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. As […]

Chinook Stance: Get involved! Join extracurriculars

As I sit here and write this piece and reflect on my college experience, there are some things that I would have changed in my first year of college. One of the biggest things I would have changed is getting more involved in activities or clubs on campus. I wanted to get the college experience […]

The Joy of Intramural Sports

Lane Johnson Johnson’s Journal I was a college football player in the spring of 2023. Now, I’m just a student in college looking to keep my competitive edge. Casper College intramural sports allow me to do just that, but there are also a few problems with the structure of the programs. I’ll share my experience […]

Divine’s Intervention:

Darren Divine, Ph.D., Casper College President As I sit composing this article and looking out my office window I see a calm, peaceful scene.  The flags on the flagpole are barely moving, and despite a few clouds in the sky, it is a beautiful October day.  However, the forecast calls for very cold temperatures in […]