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Divine’s Intervention

After witnessing demonstrations and conflict on college campuses over the past couple of weeks, I decided it might be timely to revisit a topic I first addressed back in 2022. The American educational reformer and President of Antioch College, Horace Mann, once said, “Do not think of knocking out another person’s brains because he differs […]

Standing Up Against Violence

By Aliesia Berryman After the distressing and tragic events that took place at the Eastridge Mall in Casper on April 7 many Casperites are in shock. The community collectively grieves the loss of a fourteen-year-old boy.  From what I’ve seen, the tragedy made all of us reflect on our city, our schools, and ourselves. As […]

The importance of stories in life

It is widely accepted that animals operate based on instinct—a set of innate behaviors that require no learning or practice. This simplicity exempts creatures in the animal kingdom from many human experiences such as anxiety and indecision. For instance, birds migrate south without year-long deliberation. They are not burdened with pondering grand ambitions or future […]

Time management in college

Time management is one of the biggest tasks that students struggle with in college. After moving away from home and finally living life on your own, it can be hard to get into a routine and get your priorities straight. Oftentimes, I found myself pushing school aside and focusing on spending time with my friends, […]

Don’t give up, keep pushing

As spring break ended a few weeks ago and spring weather is starting to make its way to Casper, I feel the itch to avoid doing my homework or not wanting to go to classes. I’m definitely feeling that spring fever. But I know there are less than eight weeks left until this spring semester […]

April 1: Divine’s Intervention:April 1:

Study after study has shown in most aspects of life, balance is the key to a healthy and sustainable equilibrium. —  Dr. Darren Divine, Ph.D., Casper College President Using the calendar as our guide, Spring has arrived!  While the term “Spring” in Wyoming may have a somewhat different flavor than in other places around the […]

Literally, just talk to people

Lairen Brush Brushing Out the Details I would like to preface this by saying, I am not a social person. Especially not with making the first move or impression on a new person. This is not a matter of being introverted or extroverted, I just tend to watch people, before even attempting to talk to […]

March 1: Divine’s Intervention

Dr. Darren Divine, Ph.D., Casper College President As I was thinking about what to write for this edition, I looked back over previous submissions, and came across this topic from last year.  As I sat and thought about it, I realized it is as important, if not more so, than before.  So, with that idea […]

The perfect spot for lunch

by: Lane Johnson Johnson’s Journal Imagine you wake up late for school and don’t have a chance to make yourself lunch. You have a 45-minute break between classes in the afternoon and don’t have a meal plan at the College. You could always just grab lunch from one of the fast-food restaurants in town. But […]

A lit conference that didn’t put me to sleep

Casper College held its 37th annual literary conference earlier this month, specifically from November 7th – through the 9th. The chosen theme for this year was the “wilderness.” Given the title of this column, it would be reasonable to surmise that I only attended out of scholastic obligation, and you would be correct in that […]