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Blanking out into Politics: Dr. Nathan Blank

By: Lairen Brush

Dr. Nathan Blank, an instructor at Casper College, enriches the courses he teaches through a connection to personal experiences and fostering civil discussions in a politically driven environment. He grew up in California, attended school in Australia for his doctorate, and did research in the Philippines. With this knowledge, it is used in the context of his classes.

“I think [his education] helps him present information in a well-rounded way,” Keenan Morgan, a former student at Casper College, said.

This background enhances his classes from the upper to lower levels.

“I share those perspectives with students that … need to break out of our American centric viewpoint,” Blank said, “To take off our Red, white, and blue glasses and try to view things, especially international events, and phenomena from a more diverse perspective.”

Blank presents the information in the same tone as he does outside of it.

Morgan said, “He’s the same guy, honestly. Same jokes, same dry humor.”

The humor is not a low-down, though.

“I think the healthiest thing for us to do is to laugh and to make fun of ourselves, especially in America,” Blank said. “To make fun of politicians across the spectrum and, to be honest, to not take ourselves too seriously.”

There are differences in how the levels of classes are taught. Lower levels are more traditional and slideshow-based, and upper classes are more discussion-based, which comes with challenges on their own.

Blank said, “We’re really tearing it apart and trying to come to some conclusion on what these things mean in a real way. It’s the interactions in class where we can take all this book information and whether or not I did a slideshow and try to come up with: What does this all mean? What’s the point? ”

His nature can cause students to be open to talking to him.

“If I have a question about something I know I can go to him, whether it’s school-related or politics-related,” Morgan said. “Or if I just want to see what he thinks about something.”

Dr. Nathan Blank is passionate about his study and it shows in how he presents himself both in and out of the classroom.

“Dr. Blank is Dr. Blank,” Morgan said.

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